Crazy Drift
    Crazy Drift
    Crazy Drift
    Crazy Drift

    Crazy Drift

    Crazy Drift is a great racing game where you have to keep your car in control while it's going very fast and collecting points.


    Crazy Drift is a fun driving game where you can drift across tracks to get points. You can change your car or buy a new one. You can play on tracks, in playgrounds, or on "stunt tracks." Online, you can also play with other players.
    Check more drifting games for more fun! Ace Drift is a great arcade game in which you have to drive around all the turns and try to collect as many coins as possible to finish each level. In the great arcade game Drift To Right, you have to drift as much as you can without hitting any of the obstacles on the road.

    How To Play

    • WASD / arrow keys = drive
    • Space = handbrake
    • F = NOS
    • G = Slow-motion
    • L / K = headlights
    • Q / E / Z = indicators
    • H = horn
    • C = change camera view
    • B = look back
    • Shift / Ctrl = shift gear manually
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