Potion Flip
    Potion Flip
    Potion Flip
    Potion Flip

    Potion Flip

    Potion Flip lets you pretend to be a magician using a bottle. Once you get past the obstacles, you'll be ready for a fantastic Halloween.


    You control a small container containing bright liquid. Surmount obstacles. Find the best route to reach the iron pot. Have fun with old puzzles


    Finding stars is another difficult task. These stars can be hard to find because they are often hidden in difficult-to-reach areas. This is where planning gets difficult. Consider what's next. Learn from your mistakes so you don't make them again. You can learn a lot from your mistakes and improve your rounds. Get some stuffed animals. These soft stuffed animals will help you move around the room. There are lines that are not the same. These lines will help you find the best route to get you where you want.

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