Street Mayhem - Beat Em Up
    Street Mayhem - Beat Em Up
    Street Mayhem - Beat Em Up
    Street Mayhem - Beat Em Up

    Street Mayhem - Beat Em Up

    In the fantastic action game Street Mayhem - Beat Em Up, you must contend with bad guys and mutants throughout several locations.


    You travel a great distance in the beat 'em up Street Mayhem. You fight against mutants and evil characters in numerous places. Edward, Jennifer, and Russell are supporting you in this conflict. Try to complete the game's story by fighting through the episodes Castle, Dark City, Forest, and City Town. You can fight conventionally with your partner in the game's 2 Player mode. Three rounds will determine the winner of the contest!

    How To Play

    Use the arrow keys or W,A,S,D to move for PLAYER 1. (The arrow keys are the only ones that work in Story Mode.) Jump with "SPACE" while using "F, G" to attack. Safeguard: "H"
    W,A,S,D or the arrow keys can be used to move PLAYER 2. Jump: "L" Protecting "I" from attack: "P, O"

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